Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The ones who carry the weight of change - Why are so many teens feeling so alone?

     Everyone in this world has the responsibility of working towards change, but the ones who carry this responsibility heavily are the teens who are entering adulthood. This responsibility is heavy because they have to make the decision of who they want to be. Or who they want to become.

     Last Saturday I got together with some of my good friends, and we ended up talking about how many young teens are not supported and are thinking of taking their own lives. I know you weren't expecting this in this blog...but something is seriously wrong with the school system and the way that we as a people raise teens. I am a teen myself and it truly breaks my heart to hear that so many people my age feel so alone. I do not feel alone. Let me make this clear. I intend to live a long life with the fire and passion for change, so I am writing this to help you open your eyes to something that has been happening.

     So...why have so many teens taken their own lives or gone down other terrible paths? I can not answer that...but what I do know is that a very, very high percentage of teens go to, maybe that is the problem? If teens have trouble at school, at home, and with friends, they are not going to have anywhere to go. Is this a reason? Believe me, if I knew the reason, I would tell you.
     Another theory I have could be the food that most of America eats. The consumption of corn syrup, wheat, dairy, preservatives , GMOs, sugar, is so high that it is almost like poison to the body. If they are sick all the time and feel trapped, then maybe that's why?

     I didn't want to say this...but I should. Parents might be another problem. The typical parent (I don't want to generalize, but I kinda have to) puts so much presser on their teens and their grades that the bonds between them break.  There are so many teens in America that are so separated from their parents that it's sad. So parents! When was the last time you told your teen that they did the best they could and that is all that matters. When was the last time you told your teen that no matter what, you still love them? If it's been a long time since you have told your teen that, then this might be another cause.

     I really don't know what is wrong. But it is something in the system in which America works. Teens are the ones who become adults, they carry a huge responsibility and they need support.

     All these teens taking their own lives is standing proof that something needs to change very soon. It breaks my heart to hear it, and it fires my will to bring change to this world. As you can see...we desperately need it.

So please keep your heart open and if you are a parent, show your teen that you love them no matter what. Believe me, they need it.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Inspiration and the power of us

     Remember my reflection on the Biology of Belief video? (If not, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you should find it). In that reflection, I talked a lot about how "we have the power" to change our health and well-being and I provided much proof about how all that works. But what I find shocking (and annoying) is how much we are advertised on how we need a certain thing or drug to be healed, when really, that's a big, fat, lie. We are constantly being told that we need to depend on a drug to make us better...when really, it is even harder on the body.
     Anyways, I am not writing this to bring you down, I am writing this to inspire. So, the wonderful thing is, is that all of the pharmaceutical ads are completely wrong! You do have power and control  and you don't have to fall into the trap of self doubt and helplessness. This is what the companies don't want us to know. They don't want us to feel like we have power over our lives, our health, our future, our food. But we do, and that is why we need to act now and shush the ones who tell us we are dumb and don't have control. We are brilliant people! We are capable of SO MUCH! Look at our world, we have created amazing structures in which we live in, we make beautiful art and music, we are able to communicate and explore through the internet. We learn from each other and most of us have hopes and wishes for the future. We just have to expand into a more truthful place where we see love and kindness in everything, where we reach out to the ones who need help, and where we are brave enough to stand up against the forces that tell us we can't. Because we CAN bring change, and now we need to act.

     So, I hope that you are inspired now (I know I am). And there is one simple thing you can do to bring more change and joy into the world, and that is to love everything around you and to be grateful. Those two things provide the highest vibration, they make you feel the best. And by doing that, you are helping the world go through whatever transition it is trying to undertake.

     Please don't be worried if you don't understand any of that...I tend to go on some ideas that are a bit abstract...all I intend is to let you know that you are powerful and an amazing person, and you can use that for the better of everything.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow in 49 states!

Some interesting news:
      Yesterday (Tuesday, Jan. 12) the National Weather Service reported that there is snow in 49 states! Blizzards are whipping across many states (like New York) and many airports are having to shut down and cancel flights. Even Hawaii has snow! Even though the snow can be pretty, it's causing all sorts of chaos because cities and towns don't know how to deal with large amounts of snow.

Florida is the only lucky state without snow right now.  

Buried: A National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center map showing how 49 out of 50 states currently have snow on the ground - Florida being the odd one out

                                              This picture (below) was taken on the East Coast

                                                   This was also taken on the East Coast (below)

     I just read a news report and it said that we had snow in 49 states last year and in 1997. So, just something to think about before you jump to conclusions. I know the first thought that jumped into my head was ICE AGE!! But...we can't do that. So instead of jumping to conclusions, we just have to accept the weather for what it is and cope with it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Government studies = much confusion = 5% comprehension

     Last night my 10 year old sister came home with homework on the Constitution and she asked me to help her with it.  Well, I thought, she's in 5th grade, how hard can it be? Actually, I was quite surprised at how ridiculously confusing Politics and Government positions can be. I started to learn a bit of the confusing mess when I was attending a charter school...but never really could fully follow how everything worked. 
     Now that the subject of Politics and Government came up again, I realized that I'm not the only one confused about how it all works. I promise you I am not going to ramble on about be being confused because I know I'll lose your attention. What I am trying to get at is that why is it all so confusing? Why is it hard to understand the process in which our laws are made? Maybe there is a reason? What my (maybe totally off) theory is, is that maybe Government and Politics is complicated because when things are complicated, it's hard to find flaws. So, my theory is, is that maybe Government (and everything related to that) are set up to be complicated so that our Rights can be "worked around", so that the Law can be pushed or tweaked,  so that we don't have a say in what goes on, even if we think we do. 

     Ever thought of confusion that way? Maybe it's not your fault your confused! Maybe your meant to be confused.  

Next time you are confused about something, it may not be you...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Interesting video

      This is kind of an interesting video and provides some prospective...the visual effects are cool.  Let me know what you think.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Something strange is going on...

I'm sure i'm not the only one who is noticing all these strange things happening at once...

- 2 thousand black birds fell from the sky, dead in Arkansas
- Dead birds littered 3 states in the U.S., 
-100's of dead birds in Japan, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey 
-Thousands of fish washed up on the shores of Maryland, Brazil, Chesapeake Bay, Canal Marina near Abergavenny (U.K.) 
-Nearly 70 bats dead in Arizona 
-Mass Antelope deaths 
-Over 100 tons of fish wash up in Brazil

     I don't understand, but I do have a feeling that times are going to change very quickly.  Animals react to immediate weather changes because they don't have time to adapt. Is the weather going to change drastically?  Keep your eyes out and keep your heart open, we are nearing a shift. 

     Some say that the birds in Arkansas were poisoned by the Government to depopulate the birds. If this is true, I would defiantly protest. But if that is so, then why are there huge amounts of animals dying all over the world??? Something strange is definitely going on. 

Another thing to consider is all the strange weather in the U.K. and down south (U.S.). They are experiencing weather they had never seen before and huge amounts of it. Looks like all wet and cold weather too...

Here are some links if you wish to learn more about the animals: 

Do you think it's just a coincidence?

Monday, January 3, 2011

A new, refreshing look at education

     I really don't have to write much here...the video pretty much says it all. But I will tell you this, education needs to change and to everyone who reads this I ask that you watch the whole video and take a second in your busy day to think about the process in which our world works, and how we are forcing our children into a false success making mold. Think about what your child wants to learn, and think about the last time you wanted to learn something. Did you research what you wanted to learn about? Did you learn by that ambition? The answer should be yes, because when you want to learn, you do.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

One of the newer theories

     Since it's the new year, I have been thinking a lot about intension and how important it is. My new year's resolution was to be more positive this year, because America tends to be quite negative right now. I have also been thinking a lot about a new theory that has been in my mind ever since I watched a David Willcock. video. He explained that 2012 is like a looking glass. So if you project a negative outlook into the looking glass, then the future will become that. This seemed to make way more sense to me, then the regular "end of the world" idea that has been working it's way into peoples minds and thoughts (thanks to the media). So this looking glass idea means, that if you picture the future to be a great disaster, then that will happen because our thoughts will be amplified.  Now, 2012 is next year, so that means, the closer we get to 2012, the more amplified our thoughts will be, so use them wisely!
     I personally feel "programmed" about 2012 because of all the TV shows, books, movies, stories, and theories. So when I think about 2012, I think disaster, so it's our job (for the ones who think the same) to reprogram that to a happier thought, because that's what it's going to come down to.

 I also wonder why we have been programmed to think that 2012 is going to be horrible. Is this programming done on purpose? Is the looking glass theory true? And if so, is it being used against us as a people?
     I do know one thing for sure. Of all the studies iv'e done, Iv'e come to realize that humans do not give them selves enough credit...they are always told that they don't have power over their future, health, lives, it's always "what happens, happens". Also media has made us think that we are bad beings. I don't mean to rip on the breath taking movie Avatar, but it's a perfect example of the humans being the "bad guys". Yes I do think that we need to change and become more connected, but we are not dumb and we are not bad! We have intelligence, and we do have the option to become enlightened. We are just not told that. And the every day news just shows us the things we do to each other and separates us even more from each other. 

So even if you think i'm crazy...the one thing you can do to help the world is to stay positive. No religion or crazy theories there. Just something that will help you, and everyone around you. Your thoughts do make a difference.