Thursday, February 17, 2011

On a more positive note...

        I've realized over the past few days that most of my posts are quite negative and they pretty much all talk about what is wrong in the world. But the truth is, is there is also so many good things happening in this time too. People are beginning to realize how powerful they are and they are starting to help others to find the power within too. People have also realized that they are not victims of the universe, they are part of it. Connected to it, just like everything else is. Everything is part of a cycle and nothing ever goes wrong, it's all for a reason. And so, when I talk about the things that I think need to be questioned, I am only trying to make you think and find connection with what sounds right to you. The world is made up of so many different views and no one is right. We all are. We are all right. We just have to learn how to have our own views and live with others who have theirs. There is no right way to look at things.
     So, since this blog is usually a bit dark, I have to say that we as a people are "waking up" and there is hope. We just have to take action and gather together. We are not meant to live the stressful lives that we live. We are meant to thrive! To be happy!
     So lift up your head, reach out a hand to the ones in need, and step up into your power. That, is what people are doing all over the world - Lets join them.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fluoride - Maybe it's a good thing to be over critical

     I know I am always over critical in my blog posts, but if i'm not going to say something, who will? Anyway, this week I did some research on fluoride (yes the stuff that's in toothpaste) and learned more about how it is in water. I learned that mostly all of the cities and towns in America have fluoride in their drinking water. So,  unless you get your water from a well, you are always drinking fluoride. Now, fluoride (supposedly) was tested scientifically, safe for humans, but I think the matter needs to be reconsidered. The interesting part is, is that there have been several studies on how bad fluoride is for you. Why haven't we heard this information before you may ask? Well, because it's been covered up. Why else? Just think about it. If you have to pay to get your teeth cleaned with fluoride at the dentist, and the Government puts it in the water for free, then you've got to begin to wonder. Large amounts of people drink fluoride everyday. Why hasn't anyone (that I know of anyways) done research on fluoride and a possible connection to cancer?  The reason, I don't know. But anything that the Government does for free I do not trust.

Here is a video by Ralph Nader on fluoride. It's short and I suggest you watch it because it backs up some of the information I have gathered and gives more. 

Also, here is a link to a webpage that shows some studies on fluoride and it's affects. Just to give you a heads up, not all information on the internet is true, so make your own judgments. 

Is fluoride put in the water to make us sick? To dumb us down? If we are sick, then we have to go to the doctor, use our health insurance, and give MORE money to the system. Make sense? It's only a suggestion, but one worth pondering. 

What can you do to help? Talk to your communities and tell them about fluoride and it's possible dangers. Who knows? Maybe you could change the drinking water in your town or city for everyone. 

Thanks for reading! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

MORE mass animal deaths!

     I have bad news....more animals have been dying in mass quantities around the world AGAIN. I was praying that the last time I posted something about this it would be the last (scroll down to view my other post about mass animal deaths in Dec.) But, It's not. Here is a list of all the recent deaths...

- A million or more Man-O-War Jellyfish found dead on Delray Beach Florida
-Thousands of dead fish wash up in Florida
-10,000 cattle dead in Vietnam: Cows, and Buffalo
-Over 25 beached whales in New Zealand
-200 dead birds in South Dakota

     Here is a link to more info on the the 200 dead birds in South Dakota. They say that the Government has admitted that they poisoned the birds. But why? To reduce population? I don't think so...

     I do think it has to do with Government. I have heard a theory that they are using HAARP (The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) that radiates into the sea and sky. It causes internal bleeding, which has been found in most of the mass deaths. If this is so, then why are they doing this? Animals are so important to this Earth. It breaks my heart to hear about so many deaths...and it makes me angry if the Government really is doing this.

Also,  I don't mean to bring even more bad news....but, oysters are now functionality extinct. We can farm them, but they are extinct from the ocean. Not good. Read more at:

Stay sharp people.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Revolution in Egypt

This video inspired me. To see so many people of all religions sleeping on the streets and protesting for freedom hand in hand makes me feel like a I want to take part in it. I am in a way...lots of prayers and light their way!

You can help to by passing the word on and educating people about the Egyptian Revolution. You can also help by praying for the many who have been killed and tortured and pray that no others be so badly harmed.

--Love and light viewers. Love and light.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Closed-minded about Open-minded

     I have to admit something to you....sometimes I get judgmental and closed-minded about being open-minded. I know it sounds funny but it is true. Sometimes I am over critical and sometimes I don't acccept things for how they are. I've just seen too many lies and don't want this world to be like this anymore. I feel passionate about change. And so, I suppose I get closed-minded about being open-minded. Of course, we all do this in a's just a good wakeup call to think about your philosophies and to make sure that you are following what you teach. I say all the time "stay open-minded!" and sometimes I catch myself being closed-minded. Anyway, just a quick reminder that there are a billion different views and opinions in this world and I want to hear them all. I want to bring people together through discussion and I want to bring people together because of their different views. I'm not trying to convince you.

     I also want to say thank you to all of you who have been reading this blog. Last week I reached 64 page views in a day! So thank you for all your support and comments! I also had a really good discussion going on the Speaker from the Inside post if you want to check that out. I also want to tell all the "anonymous" people who have been commenting on my blog thank you, and don't be afraid to show your name. It is up to you, but this blog is open for discussion with no judgment.

Thanks again viewers!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Trap and the missing link

     Today this was my Social Studies ( I am home-schooled ). A video that has basically shown and proven the theory of a collapsing system on a global scale. This video will make all the difference.  I promise. It has had already 2 million views which makes me so hopeful because this video is a snap back to reality.
     Even though the video is a bit dark and talks about all the things wrong. You have to know what is happening and be aware of how you play your role in the global "flow" of money. I know my last couple of posts have been really out there, but now is the time to act (as shown in the video). We can NOT go on living this way. We are killing each other and the Earth. And by watching what the problem is, we can find the solution. Watch and be inspired. Watch and feel the urge to bring change.

Keep in mind - If we don't fall into the money spending trap that "they" have laid, then we have all the power. By stopping all spending and learning how to grow and harvest our own foods and materials then, "they" no longer have the power.

Please watch the whole video even though it is about 3 hours long. It is worth the whole thing. Take the time in your day. It could mean taking the time to help find the solution to saving the world.

------Just a quick warning. I would say that this video is rated PG-13 for language and slightly disturbing images.


Don't put off the change. Please comment and tell me your ideas. We need to join together. As a world. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A risk, but something totally worth seeing

     Okay viewers. I'm taking a risk. I am going to post a video that shows a UFO over Jerusalem. Now I know some of your minds shut down when you saw the word UFO, but this is going to be a test. A challenge. I want you to watch the whole video and practice making NO judgments. Keep an open mind and just watch. It truly is a beautiful video (nothing disturbing) and it's really cool to watch the light around the object pulse. 

Here is the video and remember, NO judgments! 

Stay open viewers! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Speaker from the inside (maybe)

     I'm sure a lot of you have heard of wikileaks...and here is an interview I find important to watch and think about. This team of people have (possibly) broken into secret government files and military files and have released them to the public. This is something that I would defiantly follow because if these documents are real, then we would have an inside look at what is really going on. So, keep your eyes out!

     Some people say that in some future releases there will be info on UFOs and ET visits. Now, I'm a true believer and I don't know about you...but I am super excited to see what they release.  I know many of you will disagree with what I just said, but hey! You don't have to believe everything I do! Anyways, (as always) open your heart and keep you eyes sharp and critical...

Tell me what you think! All comments welcome!