Monday, March 28, 2011

The Venus Project

     The Venus Project has offered a lot of hope for me and has planted a positive and new vision of the future in my mind. So, I want to share with you the link to their website so that we all can have a vision of the world we have yet to create: 

Don't forget to comment below! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Education - The Big Picture

     One thing you have to know about me is that I am very passionate about changing education for the better. This is also a huge topic for me and iv'e been putting it off. I just have so much to say, and so I think I will be dividing the posts into parts. If anything, just to help my brain sort through my points and theories.

     The Big Picture: I think that funding is a huge part of what education revolves around and in order to get funding, you need standards. If the schools do not show that their kids are learning a certain amount of information, then they get no money from the Government. Therefore, standards or grades are pushed more than anything in schools. That's how many people look at standards anyways. Many people think that they are there for funding, and they are. But standards are also a way to make sure that everyone has a certain amount or a standard amount of knowledge. This sounds good, right? I think that we all should have a basic knowledge of the world around us, but standards can also be a tool to make sure that we are taught only specific things. Now, i'm only talking about in America because I don't have a right to judge other countries education. 
     Is this making sense? All I am trying to point out is the possibility of yet another way to keep the human potential down. I'm also trying to point out that through funding, the Government controls schools. They control what standards need to be met and therefore, since schools are based on reaching those standards, they control what America's children learn. Now, in other posts (Biology of Belief)  iv'e talked about how belief controls our thoughts and even our biology. If we are taught to think a certain way, then we are affecting our health and our world. Schools these days only introduce one way of thinking, making kids believe that there is only one way. When really, the possibilities of the universe are so vast we can't even comprehend them. So, through money, or funding, the Government influences how America's kids think, grow up, and how they choose to live their lives.

There are also thousands of wonderful schools too though. And that is the miracle that is happening everyday.  People are waking up and doing their jobs to inspire kids and teens not only in America, but all over the world. People are working hard to bring the wonders of learning back into everyday schools. Amen to that. May we all work for the better of others. 

Peace everyone! 

---You are always free to comment! So please let me know what you are thinking. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Being Hopeful

Here is a video that has a good message. It's quite inspiring to think that on March 26th so many people are joining in on this one event.  If we can make small things happen, we can make big things happen. Dream big people!

Let's set our goals higher then just turning off all the lights for a while. Let's set our goals to making a true difference.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creatures From Our Past Still Alive?

     Today I was reading about sightings of Dimorphodon Pterosaur or what the locals call Ropen (Demon-flyer).  There have been several sightings of the prehistoric birds all over Papua New Guinea.  The site that I was reading about this said that the people of Papua New Guinea are terrified of it because it preys at night and has been known to pray on very large livestock.  Anyways, a picture is worth a thousand words right?  So you decide for yourself whether it's true or not...  



     Could this be true? Could we really still have dinosaurs left on the Earth? If so, then we might have to re-look the story of how the dinosaurs died out in the first place.  Because if this prehistoric creature is real, then something in our theory is wrong. What do you think? 

Just a note, these pictures where from the website The Truth Behind The Scenes and I give them full credit for these photos.