Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Crop circles have always fascinated me. Not because of their strangeness, but because of how familiar they are. They are so beautiful. So, I thought that I might show you something that I discovered in a crop circle.

Look at the similarities! 2 arms, 2 legs just like above. They are trying to tell us something...This image is so encouraging because it shows a beautiful image of human transformation.

Other images have been of sacred geometric shapes. The one above looks almost exactly like the flower of life. The sacred symbol of life and creation.

Other's are just plain mind blowing because of their intricate designs. 




There are hundreds more from all over the world. Each is perfectly even and geometric. Where do these come from? What do they mean? What or who made them? I don't know about you, but they enchant me. What's their meaning? Are they messages? I'm thinking so...

If your looking for more stunning pictures, just use Google images. There are hundreds to look at.

Stay open!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The things that don't make headlines

    A lot of people today know that the (standard) news is not to be trusted. The stories are controlled and filtered by the big time richy rich companies and (yes I'm gonna say it) the Government. But that's old news, right? Anyway, I just found a super cool website called Want To Know.Info and found all these articles that talk about amazing discoveries and information that never made the headlines. So, I thought that I would post the links: 

Converting trash into electricity: 

U.S. national debt clock: 

Successful cancer experimenting (doctors SHUT down):

In Iraq for the oil - Secret documents: 

Pretty insane stuff huh? Why aren't we exposed to this information? Even if some of it isn't true, why don't the big time news reporters cover this? I mean successful cancer experimenting!!! It's not right. We have a right to know about things. 
     I have to say though. It all makes sense. The U.S. doesn't want peace or a sustainable environment. They don't want us to be able to make our own fuel with reusable sources. All they care about is the money.I'll say it again. It's ALL about the money. We are in 3 wars. Why? Oil = Money. I don't know about you, but oil prices here are almost $5 a gallon. Thats unbelievable. I'm telling you. Mostly everything the U.S. does, is about money.  Once you start looking and digging into reasons behind U.S. decisions, you will see. 

Stay open, natural, and full of love. It's time to look with a critical eye. 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We live in a beautiful world

I just saw this and thought that it was totally amazing. A truly beautiful video! Click on the link below to view!

This guy who did this has also done some other timelapse stuff that is really cool. Check it out!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Hopefully this brightens your day! 

Someone that I am following on twitter posted these. They totally made my day and I thought that it might do the same for you! Here is the site:


Friday, April 15, 2011

I shall not hate

This video is very inspiring and I thought I would share it as part of my quest to introduce new ideas and theories. This guy has truly been down the road of healing and has turned his anger and sadness into a mission to make other's lives better. Enjoy!

Monday, April 11, 2011


     It's Spring here in Minnesota and it is amazing. Life is coming from all directions and the sun is so warm and gentle. In my life right now, there is so much hope for the world that I am bursting. The coming of new life has opened my heart once again and the dark places have been lit.  This reminder of Spring, this reminder of life and nature has left me without words. When everything seems to be going down hill in the world, life still goes on. The plants still grow, the sun still rises, and the rivers and streams still run. Even in the places where there has been great destruction, the smallest most precious plant will still try to make it's way into the world. Life is abundant. Everywhere. And I tell myself,  I can't wait until everyone can feel this joy. I can't wait until the world can feel abundant to everyone. Where no one suffers. Where humans can be as alive and bright as the plants and animals around us. Shouldn't we be able to thrive too?

Our Earth has so much to say. So many lessons. We need to listen more. Breath more and live more with the Earth.

     These are my latest thoughts. An open heart and love is the only thing that is going to heal this Earth and ourselves. I hope that this made you feel and think. I also hope that when you read this, you want to go outside and embrace this gift of life. The gift that even when everything is going wrong, we still have a patch of grass, or a garden, or even the sky, or a place to put our feet. To be grateful that we are not just floating around like meaningless dust. We have meaning. We are life. Life has meaning.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A prayer to Japan

I've never been in a situation where I am truly worried for my life. I have never been in a situation where I don't know if there will be enough food to eat. I've never been in a situation where the world seems like it is going to end. But I can only begin to imagine the terrors that have crossed so many people's minds in Japan.
I want to dedicate this post to Japan. I want to dedicate this moment, this thought, and this hope to Japan and all it's people. And I want you to do the same. By thinking of the people there and sending them energy, you are doing the equivalent of donating money to the Red Cross. You are sending the people of Japan hope, trust, and love and that is just as good as sending money. So take this time in your day to pause, and to think of all the worries that are floating around Japan. Then imagine the worries suddenly disappearing and in their absence, imagine a healing light to all of those who are in need. And healing light to the Earth. By doing this, you have done a ton.

Thanks for your support. Japan needs you!