Monday, October 24, 2011

Corn Sugar AKA Poison

     So, before I say anything, I want you all to watch this commercial for Corn Sugar (High Fructose Corn Syrup) posted below:

Hmm... Sugar is sugar? Well, check out this link:

     So, the corn processors are going to court? Because they lied about how simple and pure High Fructose Corn Syrup is? I don't know about you, but that makes me extremely angry. Corn Syrup has been proven to cause obesity and other conditions. Just Google, High Fructose Corn Syrup and the word poison in one sentence and look what comes up. They actually didn't just lie about how simple HFCS is, they must have lied about all the facts on their website too. And for that, they are going to court.

Here are some links about how bad corn syrup really is:

     The list goes on and on. But my point is, is that it's really upsetting how in the commercial they make it seem so pure and simple, when really, America is hand feeding their kids this poison.  And how it shows parents having one less thing to worry about. How enraging!
     Also, because it's made from corn somehow makes it better than sugar in the parents minds. Because corn is a vegetable, it must be better than regular sugar, right? Wrong. Both are actually really bad for the body, but Corn Syrup is the worst possible choice. The link below talks about the difference between sugar and Corn Syrup.

Okay, so I'll stop posting link after link. But, just remember to stay sharp. This kind of news no longer shocks me. Corn Syrup is in everything. EVERYTHING. From ketchup to bread. So watch out people, and don't let them lie to you anymore. Stop buying products with Corn Syrup in them. Support local farms and companies. And that way, we can rebel against the lies.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street goes global

     So yesterday, I was in Duluth MN walking down to lunch when I saw a bunch of people all gathered around holding signs and one man was playing electric guitar.  I knew that they were protesting, but it took me a minute to figure out what for. Then I saw the sign : TAX THE RICH, and it dawned on me! They were protesting against unjust capitalism, just like the people on Wall Street. This, right there was SO exciting for me. To see protesting right in my home state!  So, the point of this story, is that more and more people all around the U.S. are protesting for their rights. Even the countries around the world are starting to protest! I was just on Twitter looking for people to follow on the protesting and Twitter came up with lists upon lists of " Occupy Atlanta", "Occupy Boston", "Occupy Nashville", " Occupy Phoenix", "Occupy Madison", "Occupy Philly".  And it goes on and on. Almost every state and major city.  Also, other countries are starting to protest, like, Australia, Cleveland, Tokyo, London, Rome, Alaska, South Korea, and so on. 
     I do have to point something out.  I don't know if you watched the Zeitgeist Movie - Moving Forward, but in the end, the people rebel.  There is a scene where they are pushing against the police, protesting, all around the world. Now in this link below (VIDEO), there is a scene in the beginning (before the interview), where the people are pushing up against the police, just like in the movie. All over the world. Could this be it? Could this be the uprising of the people? The uprising for change? For equality? Are the people finally standing up? Is this it? 

Video about Occupy Global: 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More on the Venus Project

Hey everyone! 

     So, lately I have been doing a ton of research for a project that I want to do this year.  The project is a model of a city that is all solar powered and is sustainable and efficient. So, I have been doing a ton of research on cities and how we can build them better.  One of the coolest things that I found was on the Venus Project website (Link below).  There is a great video with awesome visuals. Now, I know I have already done a post on this, but I really felt it was important to share it again.  It's super cool to think about. Anyway, enjoy! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Minimal Monday

     Hello, lately I have been doing a ton of links and stuff in my blog, but it's gotten kind of boring. So, starting today, I am going to do Minimal Mondays. Every Monday I'm gonna post either a series of minimal pictures or videos.  Why you may ask? Well, first of all, it's good to mix it up, and second of all, minimal art is usually more simple, and right now I think it is important to have some simple, beautiful things in our lives. Also, I love art! So, enjoy!

Advanced Beauty 18 of 18 / Directed by Universal Everything from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

cajole from yasuhiro kobari on Vimeo.

Celebrating 50 Posts!

           Today I noticed as I opened up my blog, that it said "50 posts".  WOW! Where did time go? Anyway, I thought it might be kinda fun to go all the way back to my very first blog post.  A lot as happened since then!