Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monster Storm - May 2011

Okay so, this blog post is just a heads up for some pretty massive weather coming in. It's looking like things are getting pretty big out there in the ocean and might be coming our way. I also have to say, I have some suspicions about the weird weather patterns. HAARP is one thing that is on my mind when I look at the radar. HAARP creates microwaves that can alter weather greatly. It is also said that HAARP can create Earthquakes.

These videos are worth a look:

Be safe!

Monday, May 2, 2011

UK bans herbs!

This is plain proof that we need to keep our senses sharp. The UK announced May 1st 2011 that all herbal remedies are to be banned unless a licensed practitioner prescribes them. This (in my world anyways) is outrageous! As being someone who believes in natural healing this means that there is complete control over what goes into the body. Now, you are probably thinking, "but this is only in the UK!" It may be in the UK, but I feel confident in saying that the U.S. might be next. If the U.S. is next, we must take action and protest. They would be taking away something that Naturopaths  across the nation have been using to cure and heal thousands of people for centuries. I have to say though...I am not surprised. Millions of dollars go to over the counter drugs and medicine companies. If they ban the natural herbs that you can grow with very low cost then you have to no choice other then result to using the harmful drugs. Perfect set up. Once again, money has presented itself as another harmful problem. The Earth has given us healing plants to cure out sicknesses and to heal our injuries. There is a plant for every symptom. And it is going to be banned.

Pay attention to the quote in the beginning "discriminatory and disproportionate". So this is the reason? Because it is dangerous?! 

What do you think?