Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Anonymous - WAKE UP

     There is the really interesting group (well maybe I shouldn't say group because they are notcalled Anonymous that I have seen many times in my research and reading. It's kind of hard to explain who exactly they are, or what they do, so you should watch the video:

Pretty interesting huh? So, apparently, Anonymous has does a series of hacking and protesting... check out this next video: 

     So, don't let the masks and the automated voices scare you.. they have a good message. It' really interesting how they protest, and clever. Okay just one more video... 

      They are brave and should be thanked. If everything they say is true, than we must listen and join them. Can you imagine how badly the Government must want these guys? They are destroying internet censorship,  hacking and shutting down major corporation's websites. In a resent video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI_ymKaP9Rw) they even say that they are going to kill Facebook (WATCH THE VIDEO!)... 

     They are fighting back. Against all the evil and injustice in this world. We as a people have been robbed, its time (yes i'm going to say it AGAIN) IT IS TIME TO STAND UP. How can we sit so still and innocent when our county is the REASON so many children are dying across the world from hunger and lack of clean water. People in our own county are jobless and homeless, and yet, besides the Occupy Protesting, we do nothing. This Anonymous group is hope. Hope that there are people who realize this awful, damned scam, and they are people who are willing to risk their lives, for all of you. But it's not enough. Unless we, the majority DO something. Anonymous is brilliant, they have figured out how to actually do something without being censored or monitored (well as far as I know). That's the problem, Facebook, Twitter, THIS BLOG is no secret to the Government, the system. They know. So how do you stop this mess? This jail of consumerism, censorship, CONTROL? We need to start finding answers, or we will be doomed. We must start talking, peacefully. We must start to come up with some kind of plan to bring justice to our people, a way to spread compassion and love to our world once again. It's time this ends. 
     And to tell you the truth? I feel utterly STUCK. I write and I write, telling you all to stand up and protest, but nothing happens. Hell, I don't even do anything. My father talks about these problems, but gets up the next morning to go to work. I don't know what to do, and neither do you, but as a Human Being, it's my duty to dedicate myself to the better of the Earth. And it is yours. We must find a solution. We must. 

     Most of you who read this are on Facebook and are my friends and family. Contact me and my family. Lets start talking. Let's start to break down the lies that have us so confined and fill our hearts with the hope of a new world. Where everyone. is. free. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Heads Up

     I just saw this link on twitter and thought that I would re-post it in my blog.  Click here for the link. 
World War III is not just a growing theory, it seems to becoming fact. 

Keep your eyes open, and remember, the news does not always tell the truth...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bye Bye Black Bird - USDA Admits to Mass Bird Deaths

     Remember my post on mass animal deaths about this time last year?:(http://junawesley.blogspot.com/2011/01/something-strange-is-going-on.html)  Well, I just recently saw a post on another blog explaining that the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) admitted that they were behind the mass bird killings that happened all over the U.S. Click here for the link.
     So, what about the other mass animal deaths across the WORLD? I just find it so interesting that the USDA admitted to the killings when it was happening all over the world not just in america. So, why did all those animals die? What happened to them? Could it be HARP (High Altitude Research Program)....?

Friday, January 20, 2012


     TV, is a powerful tool. It teaches you how you are supposed to be, what you are supposed to buy, how are you supposed to act, how are you supposed to live, how to raise your children, how to treat others, and much, much more. TV is a way to control your perspectives, and a way to shape you. Especially young children.
     Now, I'm not really here to rant about TV and how bad it is, I am here to talk about some really weird, scary commercials that I found on YouTube, and have seen myself on TV. Take a look:

I mean what the heck?! Is this a warning? Maybe about the future? What is the purpose of this commercial! I just don't get it. And the fact that it's MTV too... It's just so strange.  Is someone trying to warn the public about what is nearly on our doorsteps? There are many theories that are backed up with pretty solid facts that there is something similar to the commercial above that is going to happen. There have been reports from all around the U.S. of empty prison camps. True or not, it's worth your attention. That's pretty scary. Anyways, what do you think? 

     Now this one isn't so obvious... but one thing that really caught my attention when I saw this was the red pyramid that was being transported all around the world. The pyramid is a major symbol for the Elite, the 1%. Is this yet another warning for the future? The Elite being all over the world. Domination? You may think i'm crazy, but hey, they are just ideas. The commercial could simply be just for fitness. But in this time and day, you need to question everything. 

In this one you also have the red pyramids being manufactured, and then flying all around the world. Did you see the places it visited? Mount Rush Moor (where there is supposed to be secret information detained), The Pyramids in Egypt (also where there is supposed to be detained information). Through the trees, and by a Casino?! It's just weird.  You also have to listen to the song on this one too... The main chorus is "Everyday, it gets a little faster." Everyday it gets a little farther." 

This is another History Channel commercial and it has red pyramids exploding into the air all over the world...bombs? How obvious is that? Also, you see lots of cars (oil!!!)... coincidence? I don't think so. There is also lumbering... are they trying to suggest that destroying the Earth is making history? Hmm?! 

What do you think of all this? It's very... interesting...  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Strange sounds heard from all over the world

      I was watching these YouTube videos last night with my family and was blown away. Well, actually in truth, I was pretty freaked out.
     So, it's 2012, and in the second week of 2012, there have been reports from ALL over the world about these loud, strange vibrating sounds. No one seems to know what the heck they are either...

Make sure you turn up your sound on your computer!
      In all the videos here, the sounds are the same. It's just unbelievable to me! Tell me that didn't freak you out a bit? So...what the hell is it?!?! These sounds are so current, that it was happening 3 days ago (Jan. 16th).  Sound is an amazing thing, it can lower and heighten your vibration and how you feel. Sound is also extremely universal, so could this sound be a message from other beings in the universe?

Stay alert, and keep your ears open! I know I will be...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some art to brighten your day

     Just thought I would do a post on something creative and fun! Hope this brightens your day!

These are landscapes carved into old vintage books! So cool!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The President, Politics, and Pointlessness


     Okay so, recently I got a request from an anonymous follower asking if I would do a blog post on Obama and my opinion about the Republican candidates. So, here it is!

When Obama was elected President of the United States, I was hopeful. I remember I stayed up late into the night watching the TV, and wishing. Just like so many other Americans, I really thought that everything might change. That the wars would end, that we would start to repair the environment, that our President would actually try to change the way other countries see us: Ruthless, greedy, and violent. But over time, I have been utterly disappointed. I feel lied to. Obama spoke of change, he promised so many hopeful actions, but what has he done? We are currently at war AGAIN. There is no change! In fact, when the people begin to speak out, like Occupy Wall Street, he does NOTHING. He sits and watches the people who speak out for change be beaten down and pepper sprayed.
  Of course, it's not all his fault, for a puppet can not be held responsible for his actions.  This leads me to my next thought, I believe (like many people) that everything the President does, is by the orders of the Government, the 1%, the Elite, the Illuminati, whatever you may call it. The seemingly dark cloud of greed that hangs over this Earth.  So, you do have to ask yourself, is it even worth it to get angry at the President?
     The same thing goes for all politics. I personally try not to get all caught up in debates between candidates because in my mind it's pointless. It's pointless and even distracting. Politics brings out the competitive sides of people, and therefore sucks all of their attention away from bigger matters in the world.  So, I am not a Democrat, nor a Republican. And when I am 18, I will not vote, unless, there is EQUALITY written on the ballot.

    So, my advice to you this year, would be to vote for what you believe in. On the ballot or not. What's something that you feel very strongly about? Something that you would change for the better of humanity? How about instead of listening to the endless back and forth of politics, start taking action yourself. I believe there is hope, just not in politics or the President. There is hope in the people, and their will to change. Instead of putting faith into a useless figure, infuse yourself with hope for the people, for the Earth.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

     I'm sure you all have heard many theories about 2012. Some are frightening and terrible, and some are also very inspirational and hopeful. No matter what you believe about this year, it's pretty obvious that something is happening to not only our world, but to ourselves. 
     I wanted to dedicate this post to the idea that first you must change yourself in order to change the world. In this new year, it is ever so important to be healthy, happy, and mindful in all ways. That way you are ready to help the world when it needs it. In order for the world to be happy and healthy, you must be!

    So, here is a link to a great post about how to improve your life in small steps:  http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/60-small-ways-to-improve-your-life-in-the-next-100-days.html#

Enjoy!  And don't forget, being positive and hopeful is what is going to make 2012 a blessed year! Your thoughts make all the difference!