Tuesday, March 27, 2012

URGENT: Public Schools Starting to Become Like Prison Camps

HOLY CRAP! I'm kind of speechless.... Just read the article before I say anything more. Click here for link!

     Scary isn't it??? You know my little sister goes to public school, and I got to tell you, after reading this I wanted to go and get her and bring her home. Can you believe this?
     To tell you the truth, I was purposely avoiding this topic because it is just way to dark. But, I'm finding that, sadly, there is fact. There are empty prison camps (also known as concentration camps) all over the United States.  They are called FEMA camps, and they are real.

 The first article freaks me out the most because it's about kids being taken away to undisclosed locations without the parents permission. I mean who knows what they are doing to these kids!!!! Even if this odd and completely overactive and overly cautious evacuation plan is really for the safety of the kids, can you imagine how much emotional damage is being done? I'm telling you friends, things are looking pretty bad.        
     You have to admit that something really is going on. There is news that the FEMA camps are all staffed and ready to go and that local police stations are being supplied with military weapons. Military weapons... even out here where I live...hmm. Oh and can't forget the new law that was just passed this year allowing any citizen to be detained without trial. And right when all this protesting is happening... hmmmm.  

This post is not meant to scare you, so don't be afraid. This is, again, something to have on your radar and to deeply consider. You need to ask yourself the questions, "Am I truly free?" And then you need to ask, "Does this information I just read affect me? And should I take it seriously?" And then ask,"Well, if this is true, what do I need to do about it?" 
     Friends, this information is serious and is almost 100%  true. There are sooo many different sources out there that all have the same information. This is not information from the "crazies out there."  Take it seriously, and keep it in mind when making decisions. 
     Also, for those of you who go to public school, be on alert. My advise to you would be to ask questions ALL. THE. TIME. Especially if they are going to relocate you without informing your parents! Trust your instincts. If something seems off and not right, trust it.  

Peace and safety - stay bright. 


  1. Uhhhh ok you say your information is not from "the crazies out there" but the link about the so-called "FEMA camps" is not actually a list of "concentration camps" It is a list of US prisons and military bases..... that are not "being saved to control the US population" but are currently in use as prisons and military bases. This article is absolutely by "the crazies" It is clearly written by a bunch of anonymous internet conspiracy theorists. ALso the article about the school drills does seem to be frightening but much of it seems to be hyped up, though I'm glad I never experienced that in school, but you never know these days with gang violence and school shootings, maybe these are justified by events such as Columbine..... you never know, also Juna don't be to quick to assume that the government is a bad thing keep your mind open about them too.
    Thanks, Mike

    1. Hey Mike, thanks for commenting.
      I don't know if you did this, but I actually plugged in some of the actual locations listed in the link and hundreds of FEMA camp links and resources came up for that exact location. Of course, you could be right, taking in the fact that there is a lot of disinformation out there on the internet.
      On the school topic, I was simply stating information to my viewers, and trying to warn them because many of my friends go to public school. What seemed "hyped" up about the article?

      I thank you for reminding me that there is good in the Government systems, also, I would like to remind you to keep your mind open as well. Our government and country has done so many awful, terrifying things that it is hard to comprehend. Keep in mind the question,"Is the Government really for the people?"


